About the Woodbridge & Melton Society

Welcome to the Woodbridge & Melton Society, the civic society for these two historic towns on the River Deben in Suffolk.

The Society was founded in Woodbridge in 1951 and its chief interest is in the quality of the environment in which, as residents, we live. It brings together people who are interested in the well-being of the two towns, the preservation of their historic character and the way they develop in the future. 

The Society:


  • raises with the authorities matters of concern to do with the towns;
  • promotes high standards of planning and architecture and monitors planning applications;
  • stimulates interest in the history and traditions of the towns;
  • publishes a twice-yearly newsletter and organises talks and visits to places of interest.


Woodbridge Society banner

If you support the work 
of the Society, 
why not join us?
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